Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Feeling The Early Winter Blues

I don't think it is just me, a couple other folks who blog have also said they are feeling a bit blue.

I found this past weekend to be hard on the soul. All I wanted to do was curl up on the couch with a book, a mug of tea and read. Which I did for part of the weekend. Part of the problem was I was so engrossed in two books that I did not get to sleep until way past my bedtime, but the animals were still up at their usual time, plus with the time change, it was an early Sunday.

I still have this urge to just go to bed, pull the covers over my head and hope it all goes away...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw, Betty! I went through that a few weeks ago, and know how it hurts. Still pulling myself out of it, but for me, early winter usually signals a change in mood for the better, so I'm hoping things will continue to look brighter and brighter...for both of us! :)

Regardless, take care of yourself. You deserve some pampering!