Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Before E-Bay and Craig's List, There was the Garage Sale

Or Tag Sale, or Car Boot sale or what ever you want to call it. My neighbors have been using E-Bay to sell items, sometimes with success sometimes without. Lots of folks are selling on E-Bay to earn extra money. My neighbors like many folks in the blogsphere are not having tons of success on E-Bay. My suggestion, have a tag sale.

In my case as I’ve stated before, I just want to get rid of stuff. Right now I’m too lazy to keep on top of E-Bay Auctions and the consignment shop sales have been slow (I did however pick up some great stuff animals for the dogs to tear up, a nice small Faberware frying pan with a lid and a little covered dish perfect for the toaster over or microwave and one person portions all for $3).

My neighbors and I are planning a tag sale for mid July. We both have weekend events and the only weekend we are both free is the weekend AFTER July 4th. This gives us both time to sort through our possessions, give E-bay one last chance, then we are trying a Tag Sale. A Tag Sale obviously works best if you live in an area conducive to hosting one, folks that live in apartments may not have the luxury of a location for a tag sale.

As I posted previously, my goal is to declutter. I am looking forward to a tag sale not only for the chance to get a little extra cash, but to get rid of some STUFF.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

"Tag Sale" !

I don't know why that made me really happy. I grew up with tag sales being called that, and up here in Rochester (and with R's family in PA) no-one has heard the term. It's all "yard sales", or "garage sales" -which is fine... but to me tag sale will always be the default.

I know it's a little weird, and definitely random, but thanks for making me smile this morning. :-)