Thursday, September 17, 2009

Neighbor's Kid Update

My neighbors kid had her court date this week. She was lucky, she got off with a small fine and 25 hours of community serivce. According to her mother, the kid was actually showing some remorse about the situation. Her mother thinks that the seperation from her friends who were also arrested helped this kids attitude a bit. There was no misery in numbers and she probably got some fair time to think about the situation. The kid has been working with her dad (he is a landscaper) and will select her community service this week. The court has a list of organizations in which to choose from.

My neighbor did say that she was "giving in" to the kid a bit. My neighbor knows she struggles with giving in to her kids and just has felt that she has "denied" them so much this past summer that she was just getting tired of saying no. She did also say that when said child was sulking about the arrest, boyfriend and housing situation that she simply grow up, get a job, move out and not rely on the parents to pay for everthing. I was told that the kid had a look of shock on her face. My neighbor and I both figured that the kid thought her parents would give in and give her money for this "adventure".

Oh well, we are both hoping this was a painful lesson learned and that the kid might not make it again.

What has this got to do with personal finance? Not much at first glance, but this does go on this kids permanent record and could impact future jobs, rental prospects. I don't think she realizes that some companies and landlords are very particular about employees/tenants having clean records. I know my office makes it clear that they run a criminal record search on all employees as part of the application process. You just never know what will make an employer reject your application.


Anonymous said...

I don't think your friend/neighbor will ever learn...I was hoping this was a "wake-up" call for both of them !!

Revanche said...

You can get tired of saying no all you want, as long as you KEEP DOING IT. Geesh. Just had another knockdown dragout fight with the child in MY Household: the 30 year old brother. That selfish idiot had the immense gall to say to me that he doesn't push me around because I haven't stood for it since I was little. As if I wasn't fully aware that he's just grown into his bratty manipulativeness to compensate. Aish.

These kids. Will they ever grow up? Maybe, but apparently not without being metaphorically beaten over the head each time they try to get away with stuff yet again.

marci said...

Wow, she certainly did get off easy. But your point at the end is one she will learn later on in life. She won't care about it now in the present, but when it comes to jobs, apartments, etc she might have a hay-day with that and think it's "unfair." But serves her right!

Unknown said...
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John DeFlumeri Jr said...

May get better, you never know, but if there is no chance, then certainly no improvement.

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to good to be true