Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Totally Off Schedule

I'm totally off schedule, blogging, life, things. Out of left field,we got busy at work. Really busy, and the other person who can help me is on vacation for two weeks. I've barely had time to get the laundry done from last week, much less post. Of course, it does not help that my laptop just does not work properly at all and I can't post from home.

The good news is, I did leave work 15 minutes early yesterday, got an oil change in the car, got the car washed, bought my lottery tickets for the week, did get some laundry done and wrote my thank you notes to my hosts in Canada. I felt like I accomplished SOMETHING for me instead of work.

The other news is I finally joined a local gym. It's been an on and off goal of mine for the past 6 months to bite the bullet and join one of the two local gyms. My MD has been after me to drop some weight, get a better quality of life. I've been procrastinating this. I finally joined the slightly more expensive gym closer to home-because it was closer to home and they also had a three month special. If I really hate it, I'll get a membership someplace else. I'm looking forward to getting back to the gym routine, now just to re-do my crazed schedule to make the time.

Sorry for the lack of posts, I actually have some posts in draft I want to blog about. I just need to sit down and get it done.


1 comment:

  1. Lottery tickets? Hopefully not more than like, $1. Personal finance bloggers should be setting good examples :)
