Thursday, August 7, 2008

Second Job Concerns

If you've been reading my blog you know that I have a second job. The second job provides me with the extra income that I ear mark towards my new to me car payment (that has an insane interest rate because of the BK). I work about 1-2 weekends a month and for the past few months I've been able to cover most if not all of my car payment. I like the job and the people I work with and for. It suits me on a number of levels.

Until this month. The trainer at the barn I work at has a new assistant. She's young, talented, thinks very highly of herself, but her people skills, well, stink. He has given her the duty of co-ordinating us worker bees for shows and events. I met with her last weekend and told her that my preference is for local shows or barn coverage because I have animals of my own at home and it is not cost effective for me to have to pay for animal sitters to cover away shows. If there is a big event and I'm needed for a weekend trip, I need notice so I can arrange my schedule and see if I can get animal care. Let's just say, she pretty much told me that she's not sure if she can use my services in the future. Not sure? It has not been a problem for the past 4 months, in fact, the head trainer seemed to prefer that I do the "home work" instead of the "road work". This new assistant has also managed to annoy a couple other workers, one being the resident barn manager (by resident, she lives on the property and oversees a majority of the day to day operations of the property) who does NOT answer to the trainer and especially to his assistant.

I ran into the resident barn manager at the local coffee shop and she asked if I was going to do barn coverage at the end of the month when the head trainer takes a group of kids off for one last weekend of shows before school starts. I told her I did not think so, I had not been scheduled by the Newbie,but had been asked by the trainer in late June. I said I was not sure If I still had employment because I was not really available for travel. The look on her face was that of surprise. Walking that fine line, I told her I can understand if my travel limitations were an issue and that the facility needed road grooms, but I've not turned down a work request yet, so I was surprised at the statement of the Newbie especially when I was hired, it was full well known my travel limitations. The resident manager did say she's had some issues with the Newbie not understanding the chain of command at the facility and that it had caused some disruptions.

Ah well, we shall see how it works out. I did work this past weekend, but at the barn. I was supposed to be scheduled for some work the end of August and in early September, but at this point I guess I'll wait and see. If I can touch base with the head trainer I will, I know he's off on his summer vacation (hence the Newbie filling in).

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