Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Is It Facebook or Facecrack?

I'm soo behind on these social net work sites. I have had for a humber of years, various profiles on things like facebook, myspace, linked, second life-and never really used them.

Until a bunch of my friends all decided to give Facebook ago. I now have a ton of "friends" and I will admit, that on my limited lunch breaks, I've been playing around on the site.  Unlike someothers, my pesonal information is very limited.  Too many strange folks out there.   Oh well, this really is not personal finance related, but just an observation as to how I've been wasting my lunch hours!


  1. I think that Facecrack is correct. I have been fighting the trend of all thos websites for years and finally caved in and set up on on Facebook. Everyone in my office is on it and we all play Farm Town. I think I might need a Facebook intervention.

  2. I have a Facebook account as well, and I believe in limiting my personal info. I found this great article on Dumb Little Man's blog that opened my eyes about Facebook and security settings.

  3. I've been playing Farm Town as well! I've also been getting a ton of Easter Eggs.....
