Sunday, December 28, 2008

Not As Restful As I Would Like

I "took off" this weekend from the latest second job, thinking it would be good to be home to rest and get some chores done. I had an arm's length list of things to do,just did not want to trek out to the second job and feel like I had to cram my to do list into a couple hours on Friday. I wanted to stay home and Get Things Done.

In reality, not much got done. I did do my laundry (3 loads at the laundromat), I managed a run to the town dump, I re-arranged my Living Room area (it's only moving a chair and a small loveseat). I did have a second Christmas with some old friends and their family on Saturday. That was very nice, but did take up almost the entire day, when I thought we would only do a meal for a couple of hours.

I had hoped to do things like take a nap, actually several naps, sleep in, watch a lot of old DVDs, roast something for Sunday lunch....

It was way too warm to turn on the oven today and do a roast meal, I ate the last of my frozen pizza slices instead. I only managed one nap and did not get to sleep in, the dogs are on a very early schedule now a days. Non the less, I don't feel like I am as rested as I should be.I'm hoping to have a quiet week so I can feel rested and ready and able to take on the new year!

Hope you all had a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that you didnt get in as many naps as you would have liked. We're all about the naps in our house. :)
