Monday, December 15, 2008

I Spent $58.66 on What?

Today was payday (and nope, no holiday bonus as I suspected might happen this year), but it was also time to go grocery shopping. I made my list and checked it not twice, but three times. I had some cash in hand and my meal planning from the cupboards has been pitiful. It was time to restock so I could meal plan from the cupboards and not wander aimlessly around the grocery store as I am apt to do.

I won't bore you with the entire list of things I bought, but I pretty much stuck to my list-actually, I did stick to my list except for three items. 1) a bouquet of flowers 2) Frozen Turnip Chunks (I love turnips, just hate to peel and cook them) and 3) some Ellios Frozen pizza slices(dinner). I did shop the specials, but since my pantry has been low on a number of staples, I had to restock. Peanut butter, mayo, red wine vinegar, pasta, paper goods, etc. I was very happy to find that the store had an ample supply of loose bulk onions. I was able to pick up a couple pounds of onions in assorted sizes, which is good. It's been a pet peeve of mine that I'm forced to buy bagged produce. I like to pick and choose! I did get a $3 off my next purchase coupon. I may have spent close to $60, but I feel well stocked up. I do have to pick up a few more items but I can probably pick most of those up at Aldi.

I got some inspiration shopping the reduce produce isle. I picked up enough veg to feed 4 people for about $3. The reduced produce isle can be hit or miss, but it was a hit today. The veg will be chopped up and made into either a root vegetable stew or a vegetable curry to simmer happily away in the crock pot.

For the past month, I've been shopping as needed when I've been planning my meals and using up most of my cupboard staples. I've not done a food shop of any great size since, um October?. While I did spend $58.66, I think I'll end up cutting back my grocery bill. When I 'shop per meal" I end up buying items I don't necessarily need, but I pick them up anyway. I'll walk into the grocery store to buy some veg and fruit, then wander the isles looking for whatever. Not good.

Oh well, it may have been $58.66, but now I have a cupboard of food and can plan some meals that are actually exciting and fun to eat!


  1. Less that $60 on groceries is not bad at all - especially if it will help you meal plan and use items in your house more effectively. The question is, how long will those groceries last you? Two days - not a bargain, Two weeks - a real deal. I am guessing some of those items (like the vinegar) will last for months!

  2. have you noticed that you buy a lot of food. What's your grocery total each month? you should put it out there... you live by yourself why are you alway at the grocery store. Not attacking you but it seems like you don't realize the faster you get rid of your debt the more money you have to do what you like with it. Hunker down and focus a little more on your debt and not so much on whether your pantry is varied enough... you still have a car note to pay off and good or not, student loans are still debt.
    Sorry for this post of a comment but you seem like cool person (albeit a little lonely) and i just feel like you haven't totally taken charge of your finances
