Monday, December 8, 2008

Do You "Buy" Yourself Holiday and Birthday Presents?

I'm finalizing my (thankfully) small list of holiday presents for this year. I have in past years, purchased a gift for myself, some have been large (signed a contract on my house on my birthday, bought a car on my birthday, got myself a new TV last year), some have been small,~ nice bottle of wine, fancy soaps, a good piece of something to put on the grill.

So do you get yourself a "treat" or a gift?


  1. I usually don't but it's a nice thought.

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  3. I have never thought of buying myself a gift. mmm
    What do I want for Christmas?
    Financial Peace honestly *sigh

  4. I do, and I make no apologies for it. I'm guaranteed to have something I love. :-)
