Monday, October 13, 2008

Paying the Second Part of the Month Bills

I get paid on Wednesday and wrote out the checks for the mid month bills. I'll drop them in the mail on Wednesday. I don't anticipate any other expenses other than a small grocery shop, buy some dog food, a $20 hobby expense and gas for the car. I have a bunch of food products to use up in the cupboards. Plus I made a kick butt lentil soup in the crock pot this weekend, using up some veg, a quart of chicken stock and the lentils. A friend of mine dropped off a loaf of her homemade pumpernickel bread (it is truly to die for, she used to be a professional baker) and I am fairly well set on food for the remainder of the week. I will on October 30th, take the remainder of my cash in my checking account and transfer it to my E-fund.

I just have to laugh at myself. It's really taken me almost a whole year to change my fiscal habits for the better. A whole year. But in this year, what was a struggle to change or adapt to has become second nature and less of a struggle. I really thought for a number of months that I had a control on my spending and savings. I did not. I've had a couple months of Oh Cripes, what did I spend money on? I thought I had this under control? Nope, not really. It's gotten soo much better and I'm glad to see this old dog has learned some new savings tips.

Now if I could just master scheduling posts in blogger, I'd be all set.......

1 comment:

  1. I think one has to keep in mind that good habits sometimes takes long to cultivate, but once it is there it gets easier over time until you cannot imagine not being that way. Rome was not build in a day!
