Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Few Updates

I've been absent from blogging and reading for the main reason I've been busy with the second job, the primary job and my laptop at home has decided not to work (the L, the O, the 9 and a bunch of other keys don't work). It's been difficult to post at work recently, just not a lot of time to hang out on blogger when people are hanging out over my shoulder.

I took Friday off to go work my second job for the weekend. I achieved my on going goal of making enough money to cover my car payment for the month. I have a bit of vacation time and just can't swing a vacation right now, so I used the day off to earn some extra cash. I can't and won't do this on a regular basis, but this was my exception to the rule. I'm a firm believer in vacations (stay at home or travel) to refresh the mind and spirit, as much as I want to achieve certain financial goals, the time off is needed and necessary. As of now, I don't have any time scheduled at the second job until at least the middle of November. Not great, but for now, out of my control.

I deposited the check from my friend Adam on Thursday (I missed the credit union on Wednesday) and so far it has not bounced on my account. I did send an e-mail reminding him that the check was going to my account. He was traveling for a big trade show this past weekend and I don't know what access he had to e-mail or if he was going to just "ignore" my e-mail. We shall see.

Like many people, my boss at my current job is not happy with the whole economic bailout and subsequent fluctuations in the stock markets. I'm not either. It does affect our business. My boss has an obsession with how and what the Dow Jones does. I've switched my focus to the FTSE. I get the FTSE closing figures around coffee break time. We are keeping our fingers crossed that this will settle down in the next week or two.

I do need to figure out my October goals. I very much liked having just two goals to work for, it made me a happier person. I did not give into those feelings of "failure" when my lengthy goal list was not met. Like I've said before, I'm trying to look at the glass half full.

On the upside, it IS a glorious day here in New England,I hope it is the same for all of you! I'll be back to posting on a regular basis in a day or three.


  1. Love your blog!
    i had the same laptop problem as you seem to have - keyboard not working. I solved the problem by plugging in a regular keyboard. If you have a newer laptop you'll probably need a usb keyboard, older ones use the round things (I forget what they are called). I picked up mine in the trash (goodwill also has them), or you can buy at staples for ALOT less than a new computer. Ask friends, some people get the ergonomic upgrade and have the stock keyboard lying around.

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