Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's Official, I'm a LLC

The paperwork came from the state awhile ago, but I just got around to creating a file for it. As part of my "plan" to re-invent myself, I set myself up as an LLC. For some future unknown to me yet business. I liked the name of my LLC, and filed for it (so no one else could either). It's a name very identifiable with me, so it won't be revealed here.

The filing feels like such a grown up step-wait I AM a GROWN UP. I still feel like I'm 20 years old.

This is one step of a plan I am formulating for taking control of my working life. Small steps, but one that I got to do early for my October To Do list.


  1. 10/05/08 Commenting on your LLC,why would you want to obligate yourself to having to file a annual report and pay a franchise fee without having an actual business. I own an S-corp, converted several years ago from a C-corp. I sold the business assets in 2002 but still own the core business for a couple of reasons. So I have to do the annual paperwork, which, in my state, is somewhat pricey. Luckily I have a CPA. How about your state? Did you get legal advice before taking this step?I would love to get from under the corporate paperwork.

  2. Your post describes this as a very good & positive step for you - that is what counts!!!

  3. Anonymous-I am in the midst of creating an actual business as part of my plan to become a self employed persosn. I did get legal advice and it was to LLC, get a good CPA for tax time next year, and was given the name of several reputable insurance agents for liability insurance. The annual fee is not that bad for this state, there is no franchise fee. I'm not thrilled with having to pay various costs associated with a business that is, at this point, very part time, but I have to start somewhere. If I keep waiting for the 'right time' I can guarentee, I'll never find the 'right time' to move forward. I'm operating under the guise that chance and luck come more easily to those who are prepared for it. And you are correct, the corporate paperwork is the part I like the least, but I do a fair amount of it in my current job.
