Tuesday, August 12, 2008

One More Goal to Be Crossed Off My List

I made it a goal of mine to try to eliminate my paper clutter by scanning my paper documents and storing the files on my computer.

I finally found a 10 sheet feeder, all in one for about $50. I'm usually a little skeptical about all in one units,but a co-worker bought the same unit and recommended it to me. He said it was spiffy, user friendly and he thought it might meet my need. I'll be buying the same unit this weekend and will spend a thrilling night scanning in my documents. I can already see a cleaner desk...


  1. im here because of few cents for you. just dropping by.

  2. I've been thinking about doing this to try and cut down on the paper clutter, my problem now is deciding what to keep a copy of, and what to toss, any suggestions?

  3. Keep bank statements, credit card statements, insurance EOB's and policies. I'm tossing my utility bills and most of my phone bills (unless you need them for tax purposes)once I've checked that the previous payment arrived and was properly credited. I'm also scanning all my income tax documents and back ups, contractor bills, anything relating to any of my continuing education studies that I need to keep in case of an audit, I keep all my car repair invoices, so that will get scanned.

    So far that's whats on my list to scan and make electronic.

  4. Stock Investor-thanks for stopping by
