Thursday, August 28, 2008

Moving "Stuff"

One of my on going goals has been to reduce my clutter, sell excess "stuff" and generally streamline my life.

I've sold a bunch of books on, but I still had a lot left in my inventory. Today on my lunch break, I put them in the Goodwill box. I had a patio table that I've listed on Craigslist for about a month and no one has wanted to buy it. I popped it on Freecycle on Monday,-it got picked up on Tuesday. The patio table was a freebie to me and I'm happy it has a new home. I just got tired of staring at that pile of books, they needed to go. One less bag of clutter. I'm slowly working on weeding out my clothes, (the better items go to a local consignment shop or donated to Goodwill), and general stuff.

I don't have that many items I can sell to earn extra cash, plus Craigslist/Ebay/ are full of things for sale. Lots of people are trying to get rid of extra items for the much needed cash. For me the cash would be nice (think ever growing E fund), but really I just want to purge my possessions. My neighbors and I never got organized enough for a tag sale this summer, time flew by for all of us.

There was something very freeing about seeing that load of books go into the donation center....

1 comment:

  1. I've had the exact same feelings recently. Good for you!
