Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Getting Back Into the Groove of It All

I did manage to make it to the gym last night for a cardio session (yeah!) and get a couple things done on my ever growing to do list. One thing, now a goal, I have, is to keep my little kitchen table clear of debris and clutter. Right now it tends to be an extension of my desk and I dump junk on it. AND end up eating my meals on a TV table because of the lack of space. That is soo sad.

Last night I simply filed away the piles of paper (most of it was just junk mail anyway), wiped down the table and ate my post work out supper like a human. I also ate my breakfast there. It felt nice to sit at my table and eat a meal. As odd as that sounds, it's been easier for me to eat standing up or just to crash on the couch and eat at the TV table.

I've been going to the gym 2 days on, one day off, and I'm slowly getting back into a routine. My new to me gym is small, but the folks seem friendly, the equipment is in good shape and it's a clean facility. When I lived in Washington, DC, one of my best friends managed a health club and I got a "friends and family" rate and used to work out alot. I've missed the gym routine and even though I'm not looking forward to a monthly fee, I'm having a good time. I don't have a choice on liking or not liking the monthly fee until I lose and keep off the weight my MD says I have to lose. As painful as it is to admit, she is right, I've gained way too much weight-I think I ate my body weight in carbs last year dealing with the BK.

I'm working on a schedule that allows me to go to the gym guilt free at least 3-4 days a week. I've been feeling guilty about coming home and then leaving the dogs-Again. Our current schedule is set up so that I have a fair amount of time in the evenings that I spend with the dogs at home. Coming home, getting them fed and exercised and then me going back out more than one night a week has been an adjustment for all of us. I realize the dogs probably don't care, but I feel a little guilty and I've been used to puttering around the house and garden after work. I think I'll be making better use of my time for the next few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. My table looks like that too. It just seems to grow piles of papers, bills, small toys I don't want the baby to get at, things I mean to put away and so on.

    I really must do something about it. Just not tonight.
