Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Pay Per Post?

I don't do that many Pay Per Posts, mainly because my internet connection at home is slooow. I decided that I needed to do some PPP to crank up the extra income. I logged onto the PPP site and found out that my blog has dropped from a 2 to a 0. WTF? I know a bunch of folks have dropped down, but this is just crazy. I barely even participated in PPP and now I'm a ZERO.

Maybe I'll start taking ads on the blog...........


  1. Take ads! Make money! Don't feel bad about it. PPP is not the best way to go in my opinion - get adsense or other services (adsdaq, amazon affiliates, etc.)


  2. Same thing happened to me....Google PR does not like PPP. You need to use the rel = "no follow" tag in your outbound links. Will take 3-6 months to get your PR back.

    Just do a google search on this topic. This is something I wish I had known before!

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