Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thinking About April Goals and Getting Over the Stonewalls of March

I really wish spring would arrive. Here in New England we are expecting snow tomorrow. I barely tolerate snow in January, the thought of snow so close to April 1st just makes me want to go to bed and pull the covers over my head until May 1st.

Don't mind me, I've had a hectic and crazy couple days~and my eye is twitching which means I'm stressing. I broke my lunch challenge today and just walked into the pizzeria and got a sub to go. Ugh.....

March has been a frustrating month. I've gotten a couple things done, but I feel a distinct lack of satisfaction in what has been done. Plus all I want to do is go home, sit on the couch and watch TV (the upside is I'm really loving my new TV). I'm not liking these depressive feelings, and it's cloudy and cold here. I'd never be able to live in Seattle.

But on a more positive note, I have a couple things/goals planned for April.

DIY Projects in the House

1) Sand, Prime and Paint kitchen cupboards.
2) Redo my closet-take all things out, paint the walls, redo the organization system.
3) Scope out Craigs List/Freecycle for a small bookshelf to use a food cupboard in the kitchen.

I only have one closet in my small house and as I've been thinning my clothes, I need to redo the closet and will probably purge more of my wardrobe that does not fit me anymore.

DIY around the yard

1) Clean out the flower beds.
2) Empty the compost pile of the good compost (black gold for the plants).
3) Fix the clothesline.
4) Reseed the lawn in the fenced in part of the yard
5) If enough energy, make a small flower/veggie garden in unfenced part of the yard.


  1. Sounds like you have a productive month planned. It's hard to believe you are expecting snow when it 80 degrees in Virginia. We have a cold snap coming this weekend... 50s. Ok.. you can smack me now! It's been a hard month for me too. I have slept through most of March.

  2. We're in Upstate NY and I woke up to several inches of snow this morning. It is beautiful, and surprising. I love winter, but I know what you mean - snow so close to April... I can't wait for Spring.

  3. I feel lucky because it's been pretty nice here. It's been rainy, but the cherry blossoms are already out!

  4. Nice list!

    ryn: I totally agree - BK looks bad enough on a credit report without other inaccurate junk on there! We made some poor choices after the BK and got the debt up again, although NO where near as large as it was, so we're trudging through that. We have never regretted the BK for a moment. So yes, there is life after BK. :)

    Thanks for stopping by - I'm going to go take a look around! lol

  5. Many of your planned activities replicate what we need to start planning for this April.
