Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Upcoming Budget

Since I already consider October a wasted month (two car repairs). Here is the proposed November Budget based on what I spent August to October and what I forsee as expenses.

Mortgage: $553 (fixed)
Car Insurance: $87 (fixed)
Student Loan: $175 (fixed)
Utilities: $150
Emergency Fund: $200 (fixed until I reach my goal)
ING contribution: $25 (fixed-forced savings)
Health Insurance:$90 (fixed)

Total: $1,545

Wiggle Room on the budget: Food/Alcohol (this also includes eating out), Gas-Auto, Utilities (maybe, I have electric heat), and the Misc (this includes hobby expenses, clothes, gifts,etc).

I've already made two small payments to the ING account for the photo shoots. As soon as a check comes in, I deposit it and then transfer the money over. Small steps! I will be updating my October spending over the weekend. THAT should be interesting to see how it all pans out.

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