Friday, October 26, 2007

Taking A More Rational Look

Like I posted yesterday, the Trustee only had a few questions about my Bankruptcy Petition. You can click here to see that post. While I am disappointed and a bit upset to have my petition date moved back, I should not be, and am not 100% surprised. The Trustee did ask about my taxes and tax return and I did tell him I was not expecting a refund in 2008 like I had in 2007.

Driving up to see friends for dinner last night I talked to myself in the car about this (and yes I am one of those people who talks to oneself while driving :)) and realized it is just one step in the process.

I've never cheated on a tax return, don't plan on doing it in the future, will do my return honestly, and I guess I just have to see what happens.

1 comment:

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