Friday, October 19, 2007

An Interesting Perspective

I spent my lunch hour today trolling a few blogs. I read Gates on Stuff and am finding it an interesting read.

If you get a chance, go to the blog and read his post of September 28th, which deals with PF blogs. I think the post makes some very valid points. Lots of blogs discuss how we are saving money, what we saved and very few tell us what was bought.

The typical PF blogger makes almost zero posts about the things they do buy, they just keep throwing out money savings tips and net worth updates, but they don't give us pics of the new rental property or the x-mas toys they bought the kids or the new car they bought in cash(!).

Heck, even with the bankruptcy, I still need items and I still want items. I'm totally admitting that part of what I am saving for is a new flat screen TV. Why do I want a TV when I'm climbing out of bankruptcy? I don't have cable, I watch a lot of DVD's, I get Coronation Street on Video from friends in the UK, My current TV is almost 10 years old and small, the picture quality has dimished and to watch DVD's I have to have it hooked up to something called an RF modulator. Between my TV, DVD player, VCR player and the modulator, I need a full power strip-four plugs so I can watch DVD's or old Video tapes.

When I manage to meet my TV goal, I'll happily post a picture of the new TV. I don't know what I'll post when I meet my Emergency Fund goal. A picture of a dollar?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link to the Gates article. I also posted about what I spend my money on...
