Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Friday Can't Come Soon Enough

I logged on to my bank account and due to the car repair, the rental car, the bills not yet reimbursed for the trade show, I have a whopping $16.42 in my checking account.

I get paid on Friday and can't wait for my direct deposit to hit.

At least I have gas in my now newly repaired car, I have submitted my bills for reimbursement for the trade show (I'll get back about $250 which should cover most of the unexpected car rental).

Lesson learned, an emergency fund is a good thing. And it's become a priority for the upcoming months.

1 comment:

  1. I too have limited funds left in my spending account...I have to buy a desk tonight (at IKEA) and will be down to about $30 after I purchase the least tomorrow is payday.
