Tuesday, October 2, 2007

14 Days and Counting

I checked my mail today and the notice was there, Court Date with the Trustee is Set for October 16, 2007 at 10:30 AM

Yikes, it feels so weird. After all I've been dealing with this summer, the date is finally here. From what I understand this is the hearing where creditors can come and try to take what little assets I have. There is not much to take.

The only creditor I am worried about is my mortgage company. I did sign a paper that said I will stay current and make my payments on time so I'm hoping they won't "call in the note". Since my bank is fairly local, I'm guessing they will be more than happy to have me stay current and me to keep my house. Lets think happy thoughts on this one.

All I have to do now is my post filing budget management course, and since I was not very happy with last months budget I am almost looking forward to the on line class.

Now to investigate the on line classes