Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Making Strides

I took my on line credit counseling course this AM. My computer at home was not cooperating with the internet so I snuck in to work early and took the course. It was easier than I thought it would be and pretty much was a repetition of the worksheets I had from the attorney's office. I now have my certificate number (I have to call in and speak to a counsellor, pay my fee, and then they will send me my copy).

I am soo glad this part is over. The good part about this on line course was that it gave good clear consise explanations of the process I am going through. Better than what I have gotten from my attorney's office.

It has been and continues to be a rollercoaster ride through this process. I have taken out a lot of my frustrations by eating and drinking (beer, fattening beer). I eat for comfort when I am stressed. I've been trying to avoid the stress eating by doing some stress walking. I'm hoping the exercise endorphins will make me feel better and keep me away from the fridge.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! That's a huge load off, I know. :) Here's hoping everything else in the process goes smoothly, too.

    I'm a stress eater, too. And a hormonal eater. And...ok, I'm just an eater. ;) But endorphins really help with my stress, so the stress walking thing is a great idea!
