Monday, September 10, 2007

Frustration Factor 2B

And the Beat Goes On... or so goes that old Sonny and Cher song. I caught up with my attorney's office and guess what! I was told I had to take my financial course before I could file! I also was told we had to re-adjust my current amount of funds on hand. That was easy to do, I had just paid a load of bills and had taken money out for my weekend away.

The paralegal gave me the name of a course I could take on line (I wish she had recommended this to me weeks ago). I'll do it tonight after I tidy up the house and deal with the dogs. It's a bit of a disaster from flying out of the house on Friday and then coming home late last night and not property unpacking. Plus it got all hot and humid over the weekend and the house was uncomfortably warm. I was in no mood to clean up after myself, all I wanted to do was crash into bed with the fan on. I'll just have to do it today.

I'm still sitting here wondering what the heck is going on with this whole ah, adventure. I feel like we could have had this done a month ago but all I get is bits and pieces of communication from these folks.

Ah well, it is what it is right now!

1 comment:

  1. This is so frustrating, I know, but you've handled it well so far. Just think how great it'll feel when it's all done! :)
