Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Frustration Factor

I'm am just frustrated this evening. I got an envelope in the mail from an attorney's office about one of the credit cards. It's the CC that drove me over the edge, they decided to sue me for their money. I tried to work with their collection agency to set up a repayment plan and they would not budge. Instead, they served me with papers and sued me in court. Remember what I said earlier about talking to your CC company as soon as you can to avoid things like this? I did not and look where it got me.

They have a settlement that says I will pay back $35 a week forever until the debt is paid, they could have put a lien on my house, but they did not. Yet I should say.

What is frustrating is that my attorney is supposed to be dealing with this sort of thing. AND had the collection agency dealt with me and worked with me for a repayment plan (instead of asking for all the money at once), I might not be here in Bankruptcy. Might Not.

I am also frustrated as I asked our payroll department for a print out of my past three months of pay stubs. I have to give the court my last 12 weeks of payroll. I checked my paperwork and it only says one month (HA I did take the right notes in my meeting) and I only keep my pay stubs for the past three payroll periods. I check what gets put into my account, I check it against my statement, then I shred the old pay stubs. The folks in payroll said they would have a print out for me by today and they did not. I called and they won't have it until Monday. Training session tomorrow, day off on Friday, Monday. I asked for this last week. What is so freaking hard?

I am just not a happy camper and can't do the final filing until I have those stubs. Just another block in wrapping up this process and moving on.


SavingDiva said...

I just stumbled across your blog. I've started at the beginning posts and am working my way up. I don't really know much about you still have to pay back all of the money you owe the credit card companies? Or it is wiped clean?

Anonymous said...

You should keep pay stubs for the whole year till you have your W2 to confirm full payment. Being able to show more than three pay periods is natural in anything like loans, etc. This isn't really new.